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56 Years old
0.00 miles away.
Views: 13 times

Last logged in on 12/13/07 08:50
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     nathall's Details
Zodiac Sign:aquarius
Children:No Answer

     nathall's Interests
I am here for:all my "heroes" i have yet to discover in the flesh... share a verse or two with poets and songwriters... ;-))) FAMOUS ONES: Those notably include Kate [yes... ;-))], Jon Anderson, Peter Gabriel, or mister Gilmour.... AND ALL LESS FAMOUS BEAUTIFUL SOULS ;-))) also, i actually would be very happy to meet with J.C. Bush [yay!]
Interests:people, nature, the "big sky" - marvelling at the sweet breathing of flowers to the auroras in winter... a splash of fins in the ocean... my mind is like a rubberband! shamanism... angels... writing [mainly poetry & micro-fiction], photography and associated visual arts...
Movies:hum... from Chocolat to The Perfect Storm, via the Star Wars saga... The Fifth Element, Arthur & The Ins... Shrek, A Bug's Life, Monsters Inc. [am a huge Disney/Pixar fan], Happy Feet... Shakespeare in Love, Les Visiteurs, Ronin, Cyrano de Bergerac, Leon, Le Grand Bleu, Amelie, Always... oh, Harry Potter... The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe... i need to go back to that list!
Television:not so much my cup of tea... have got very little time for it! though i love Harry Enfield & Chums plus Mr R Atkinson and...French & Saunders... and any nature documentaries [Blue Planet style ;-)))]
Books:Treasure Island, White Fang... Alcools, Les Fleurs Du Mal... The Time Machine, a fan of great classics!!! ... and verse... [in English & in French] Modern poets: Edwin Morgan, Vicky Feaver, Kathleen Jamie, R.A. Jamieson, Kevin McNeil, Jen Hadfield, Kenneth Steven, Jacky Kay, Catriona O'Reilly, Jacques Prevert, Jean Tardieu... am sure am forgetting names as i'm typing all this on top of my head ;-))) Writers: Susanna Jones, James Robertson, GMB, Iain Banks... this is only the tip of the iceberg ;-)))
Heroes:Cyrano de Bergerac... Nelson Mandela, Jon Anderson [as a poet...] ... Voltaire... William Wallace... Kate soars above it all ;-))) ... gosh, i need to go back to that one as well!!!

Generic Questionaire
Marital Status? Married
Have Children? Prefer not to say
Employment Status? Full-Time
Occupation? Education / Academic Research
Education? Some University
Annual Salary? <$30,000
My TV Watching Habbits? 2am French movies
My Native Tongue Is? French
My Second Language is? English
Political Views? Prefer Not To Say
Sense of Humor? Clever / Witty
Interested In? Arts , Listening to Music , Hiking , Exploring New Things , Writing , Cooking , My Family & Friends , Photography , Computers / Internet , Gardening , Fishing , Boating , Local Travel , National Travel , International Travel , Crafts , Volunteering
Friends Describe Me As? Fun Loving and Wild , Steady and Reliable
Favorite Type of Movies? Independent , Romance , Action / Adventure , Classics , Documentary , Foreign , Science Fiction , Animation / Cartoons , Comedy
I Drive A? I prefer not to say
My Biggest Pet Peeve? Long lines in stores , People who talk during movies , SPAM (Internet) , Using cell phones in Restaurants , Using cell phones in Theatres , Bad Drivers , People that interrupt others , Telemarketers , More then 10 items in the express lane
Favorite Genres of Music? Classical , New Age , Blues , Folk / Traditional , Jazz , Rock , Pop

What is your favorite genre? comedy
what is your favorite color? blue
favorte things? my pens, camera & brushes...

Match Making Questionaire
Ethnicity? Not Listed
Height? 5?6
Eye Color? Brown
Body Type? Prefer not to say
Hair Color? Brown
Want More Children? Prefer not to say
Smoking? A few a day
Drinking? Have the odd one hear and there
In a Social Setting, I'm? Quiet, laid back , Make sure everyone has a good time , Reserved
Currently Living? With my significant other
Religion? Spiritual But Not Religious
Attend Services? Rarely
Tell us about your ideal first date? too late!
What is your favorite food? fish...
What is your favorite color? blue
What is your most hated food? broad beans!
Describe your ideal partner? i've got him!
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? mind reading...
How many sexual partners have you had? Prefer not to say
Who is your hero? the One I love!
Have you ever wondered "The one that got away"? Yes
What is one place that you have always wanted to travel? Canada
What is your greatest failure? losing my genes
What has been your greatest accomplishment? realising my life-long dream!

     Recent Profile Views

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Welcome to my profile!

...what was the question?... I was looking at the big sky ;-)))

nathall got 3 votes with an average ranking of 3/5

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   About nathall
nomadic soul, born in Normandy - citizen of our world, living in Shetland [yep, 60N], married to one of Kate's "Lioncubs"...... teacher, poet, visual turned very humble lyricist... in a band called Garden2Garden together with two other angels... PLEASE check out:, it's so KT inspired! although i "don't do horoscopes", i was told i was an earth monkey ;-)))

   nathall's Music
hum, apart from Kate, [if you insist on names... ;-)))] Peter Gabriel, David Gilmour & Pink Floyd, Jon Anderson & Yes, Sting, Paula Cole, Loreena McKennitt, Youssou N'Dour, Alan Stivell, Sinead Lohan, Simply Red, Francis Cabrel, Maxime LeForestier, Liane Foly, Anggun, Emilie Simon, Bjork, Annie Lennox, Roland Orzabal [TFF] Chopin, Bizet, Brahms, Schubert, Ravel, Mozart, Mendelson, Elgar, Delius... anything that musically makes sense and make me feel "good" ;-))), ranging from pop to classical, via Jazz, World and folk... moderate electronica... NO garbage noise, and NO Madonna please or Cher... [sorry]

   nathall's Friend's
nathall has 6 friends.
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nathall received 5 comments and sent 6 for others | View all comments



hi to all my friends :-))

Date 12/08/07 11:29

Dember IS magic again!!! i imagine you've all fallen under Kate's new spell entitled LYRA ;-))). it is a gorgeous opus full of emtions. La grande dame's done it again! May you all have a wonderful festive season with best wishes for 2008. Keep looking at the big sky and marvel at life. nat x



Mind Reading

Date 10/16/07 10:15

I think you made an interesting choice for superpower selection. Sometimes you gotta wonder, do you really wanna know? You seem like an interesting person to know.




Date 10/15/07 05:47

So wonderful to met you! you sound so fun and have lots of great interests! And live in a great place.... Blessings to have you as a friend!



welcome ;-)))

Date 10/14/07 03:13

thank you ;-))) it is very kind of you. am just getting my grips with this new space and i might need more cushions ;-))) your light adds to the candles. nat x




Date 10/14/07 02:12


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